Tag Archives: love stories

And they all lived happily ever after

I’m a sucker for a good love story.

And by that, I mean a really, really terrible love story.  I grew up reading Harlequin romance novels and the like, and despite my mother’s admonitions to remember that “real life’s not like that,” I still fall for those kinds of stories over and over again.  (Hence my love of the Twilight saga.  I admit it.  Although truth be told, I haven’t actually read the books; I have them all as audiobooks.  From what I’ve heard about the editing, I probably wouldn’t have made it through actually reading them without clawing my eyes out in frustration.  Anyway.  I digress.  Hey, is Breaking Dawn part I out on cable yet?)

I watched Sweet Home Alabama the other night for the [mumble] time.  Love that movie.  Despite flaws in the plot and some truly cringeworthy moments, I will watch it over and over again . . . because it’s that kind of story.  Holiday in Handcuffs, same thing.  I mean, come on; Sabrina the Teenage Witch kidnapping A.C. Slater?  And then they fall in love?  But the story, man, the story!  (Plus Markie Post is hilariously awesome in that movie.)  I watch it every year.  It’s made it into my regular rotation along with Rudolph, Charlie Brown,  the Grinch, and that Claymation Christmas special from the late 80s.

I told you that to tell you this: National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is coming up fast.  I took a hiatus last year after creating three (four?  I’ve forgotten) very bad novels in years prior, but I’m thinking of giving it a shot again this year.  I have what I think is an wonderful* idea for a love story, but I’ve never really given it the attention it deserves.  Although apparently I outlined the entire story in July of last year, so that’s pretty awesome, right?  I’ve got something to start with, anyway.

They say you shouldn’t do for NaNoWriMo a project you’re already working on, but I think in this case I’ll make an exception — mainly because as I said, I haven’t gotten anywhere with it.  I’ve got about 6,500 words written (hey, look!  I’m already more than 10% finished!) that I put down in one writing session.  Just think what I could do with 30 days’ worth of writing sessions!

And now, off to find my copy of Scrivener and plot some plot points . . .
